Incidencia de parasitosis en los comerciantes de la Asociación 9 de Enero, Cuenca 2018
Alvarado León, Miriam Elizabeth
Background: According to the who parasitosis is an important problem of public health, parasites are lodged especially in the digestive system producing disorders in the body, and among the factors are the consumption of food, polluted water and poor hygiene standards of each individual.
General Objective: Determine the incidence of parasitosis in the merchants of the Association 9 de January Cuenca, 2018.
Methodology: Descriptive cross-sectional, quantitative and observational study, conducted in 110 merchants of the Association January 9 of the city of Cuenca, the study was socialized to all merchants, the people selected to participate in the investigation signed the informed consent, they were informed I apply a survey. Then the appropriate containers for the collection of the sample were delivered, previously under biosafety standards, finally a coproparasitic and concentrated stool examination was performed, the results obtained were tabulated in the (trial version) SPSS V 21 and expressed in frequencies and percentages.
Results: The most frequent findings were the cysts of Entamoeba histolytica (40.1%), Endolimax nana (21.59) and Entamoeba coli (20.45). Most have potable water (54.5%), toilet and sewage system (47.3%). Work for up to 8 hours (37.2%). They refer to wash their hands (49.1%) before eating food using soap and water with 40% mainly. Retail traders who work in fixed positions had a higher risk of suffering from parasitic infection, the same happened with those who consume only homemade food.
Conclusions: The presence of parasites had an incidence of 55.5%. Retail traders have a high percentage of parasites, according to the associated factors. The main pathogenic parasite was Entamoeba histolytica.