Cuantificación de hormona folículo estimulante, hormona luteinizante y estradiol en mujeres de 45-55 años en etapa de climaterio
Narváez Maldonado, Priscila Lizet
Tamay Guiracocha, María Magdalena
This research was to quantify the levels of FSH (follicle stimulating hormone), LH (luteinizing hormone) and E2 (estradiol) in women aged 45 - 55 years experiencing climacteric, we worked with 50 blood samples from women attending the Foundation “Hogar del Ecuador” and Lab "BIO-analise" who met the established criteria of inclusion and exclusion, surveys and acceptance of informed consent was required to conduct this research.
The study samplewas classified intothree stages ofclimacteric, we performed a quantitation of FSH, LH and E2 by chemiluminescence method; obtaining values: in the premenopausal to FSH: 2.3 - 17 mIU/ml, LH: 3.3 - 10.8 mIU/ml and E2: 20 - 252 pg/ml, in menopause for FSH: 20.3 - 131 mIU/ml LH: 11.8 - 61.4 mIU/ml and E2<20 - 50.4 pg/ml and for postmenopausal FSH: 29.2 - 111 mIU/ml LH: 13.6 - 37.9 mIU/ml and E2: <20 - 24.8 pg/ml. We performed a quantification of the mentioned hormones iin women aged 20-30 years,fertile phase, the values obtained foreach phaseof the cycleremainregarding pointin eachkit, allowing subsequentlyobtain values forthe mestrual cycle, regardless of phase, soFSH: 2.4 - 11.2mIU/ml, LH: 2 - 45.5mIU/mlandE2:29.2 - 385pg/ml, a comparative studyagainstclimacterichormone levels, shows a gradually increasinglevelsof FSH and LHwith decreasinglevelsofE2.