Religiones protestantes en la ciudad de Cuenca desde 1990 y su impacto en la sociedad cuencana: un análisis de las estructuras religiosas, principios y métodos de enseñanza de la iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los últimos días, Testigos de Jehová e Iglesia Cristiana del Verbo
Carrillo Montaño, Maritza Elizabeth
This graduation research called “Protestant Religions in the city of Cuenca from 1990 and their impact in the cuencana society: An analysis of the religious structures, principles and methods of teaching of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Witness of Jehovah’s witnesses and the Christian Church "Verbo”. This work has as objective to analyze the arrival and establishment of these protestant religions in the city of Cuenca from the nineties, their operation and impact in the religious culture of the cuencana society, for establishing the transformations happened in the social environment of the city. To do this, a series of interviews to representative members of the different religious institutions were carried out, trying to know the strategies used to create impact and the way they have penetrated in the Cuenca, besides their perspectives on the transformations in the religiosity of the city. The results allowed to see religious manifestations of the inhabitants from Cuenca are changing, due essentially to the effort of these organization to implement institutions like schools, high-schools and centers of religious teaching to teach their religious beliefs in common scenarios, and maintaining constant campaigns of adhesion based on strategies “door to door”, delivery of religious information and tele-evangelism.