Agentes patógenos en secreción vaginal de las trabajadoras sexuales que acuden al Centro de Salud Pumapungo. Cuenca, 2016
Calle Peñafiel, Byron Hernán
Guzmán Aldaz, Luis David
The objective of the investigation was the determination of pathogens in vaginal secretion of the sex workers who visited the Pumapungo Health Center in 2016, vaginal infection is an alteration in the normal bacterial flora of the vagina caused by different pathogenic microorganisms (1) (2)
The study was a descriptive cross-sectional study. The study population consisted of 608 sex workers and the sample selected according to the random sampling formula were 168 sex workers, the samples were received in the External Gynecological Consultation and their processing was performed in the Department of Microbiology of the Faculty of Medical Sciences, patients signed the informed consent and a survey was carried out related to the study variables, the study objective and its importance (2) (3)
51.8% had pathogens, 46.4% had bacterial growth and 4.2% had mycotic forms. 47% of women workers are between 18 and 24 years old. 88.1% of the respondents use some contraceptive method, of which 53.6% have barrier methods, 32.7% hormonal and 11.9 simply do not use it. 40.5% of sex workers are groomed three to four times a day, and 38.1% do so after each sexual relationship. The most frequent germ correspond to Escherichia coli 37.9%, followed by 19.5% Klebsiella pneumoniae, and a mycotic growth of 9.1% of the total samples. The 43.7% of samples analyzed corresponded to persons between 18 and 24 years of age, of which 26.4% were due to Gram negative bacteria infection, 9.2% Gram positive and 5.7% due to mycotic forms .
As a result of the present investigation it was possible to obtain important data such as a high frequency of bacterial microorganisms in vaginal secretion in this population group