Análisis de la obturación de conductos laterales y ramificaciones apicales utilizando dos técnicas de obturación: condensación lateral versus técnica híbrida de Tagger
Espinoza Vásquez, Ximena Elizabeth
The aim of this study was to compare the ability of two obturation techniques, Lateral Condensation and Tagger´s Hybrid Technique to successfully seal lateral canals and apical ramifications, which are anatomic constituents of the complex root canal system, taking into consideration that a lack of seal of them could result in further periradicular disease and endodontic treatment failure, specially in cases with a necrotic dental pulp.
Sixty extracted human mandibular premolars were selected and divided in two groups of 30 teeth. Root canal preparation was performed with a crown down technique, irrigation protocol was NaOCl 5,25%, EDTA 17% and distilled water. Canal sealing was performed according to one of the two experimental techniques, 15 teeth per group, topseal was used as canal sealer in both cases. Teeth were then cleared and analyzed in a stereomicroscope; the depth of penetration of gutta-percha and cement into lateral canals and apical ramifications was scored using a 5 point scale. For statistical analysis data were submitted to Mann-Whitney U test, with no statistical significant difference between the two study groups (p>0.05)