Evaluación de la sobrevivencia y crecimiento de especies forestales nativas (Cedrela montana y Oreocallis grandiflora) a los 16 y 22 meses de plantación bajo diferentes arreglos silvopastoriles en el pastizal de la granja del Romeral
François, Stanley
In a country with a high floristic diversity as Ecuador, a silvopastoral system experiment, native tree species should be included and through its monitoring be able to determine the adaptability in the area and the influence of the type of arrangement, considering the interactions that exist between the species. In this study were evaluated the survival and growth of two native forest species C. montana and O. grandiflora established in silvopastoral arrangements was carried out in the Romeral farm, in Guachapala; three silvopastoral arrangements (Treatments) were tested: a) Pure sowing of O. grandiflora, b) Pure sowing of C. montana, c) Mixed sowing of the two species. Two monitoring sessions were carried out (16 and 22 months). Survival results showed that there are not differences between treatments in the first monitoring; however there were significant differences between treatments in the second; the pure plantation treatment of C. montana and the mixed plantation treatment have a higher percentage of survival both with 80.6%, while the pure plantation treatment of O. grandiflora with 58.3%. For the variables of height and diameter increase, the treatments showed significant differences in both evaluations; being the pure plantation treatment of C. montana with the highest values, followed by the mixed plantation treatment. For the specific leaf area, the treatments that showed significant differences were pure plantation treatment of C. montana and pure plantation treatment of O. grandiflora; being the first species with the greatest value; the treatment with the lowest value was pure plantation of O. grandiflora.