Determinación del índice de discapacidad mediante el cuestionario Roland Morris en pacientes con lumbalgia que acuden a fisioterapia en el Centro de Salud Carlos Elizalde; septiembre 2021 - febrero 2022
Loyola Guillermo, Juan Gabriel
Zúñiga Gómez, Eddy Daniel
BACKGROUND: Low back pain is considered a health problem present in both industrialized and developing countries, thus becoming the cause of physical disability, whether temporary or permanent (1). In Ecuador, the main cause of medical consultation is non-specific low back pain because it affects 60% - 80% of individuals in the general population, and also has a peak incidence between 45 and 55 years (2).
OBJECTIVE: To identify the degree of disability presented by patients with chronic low back pain through the Roland Morris questionnaire at the Carlos Elizalde health center, in the city of Cuenca. September 2021-February 2022.
METHODS: The research is descriptive and cross-sectional. The degree of disability will be evaluated using the Roland Morris questionnaire in patients with chronic low back pain who attend the physiotherapy area at the Carlos Elizalde health center.
RESULTS: Forty patients with a mean age of 47.58 years were evaluated, mostly female 62.5%, with occupation as housewife. Through the R.M questionnaire, an alteration in mood and in activities involving postural adaptations was determined. A significant relationship was obtained between the variables: age/degree of disability p= 0.046 and intensity of pain/degree of disability p= 0.000.
CONCLUSIONS: It was possible to determine the predominance of a degree of moderate disability of 50% together with its relationship with risk factors and the alteration of the psychological state of the patients.