Estructura de los rodales de polylepis reticulata del Parque Nacional El Cajas. Estado actual para proyección futura en el marco del cambio climático
Pacheco León, Karla Antonieta
This research aimed to describe the structure of Polylepisreticulata stands in Cajas National Park (P.N.C.), to provide accurate information on the current status of these forests and to contribute a baseline to the development of a future project that will analyze the ecophysiology of Polylepis and the functional responses to climate change. Six permanent plots were selected (3800 – 4000 m a.s.l) in three different areas: Toreadora lake, Taquiurco Hill and San Luis Forest. Structural variables such as: density, diameter at breast height (DBH), growth rates of trees, aboveground biomass, content and carbon accumulation rates, Specific Leaf Weight (SLW), Leaf Area (LA) and Leaf Area Index (LAI) were determined. Further, self-thinning law was known. When possible these variables were measured directly in field, however indirect methods were adopted when direct measurement would have been too invasive and/or expensive. Allometric equations were developed from field data to estimate biomass, growth rates, leaf area and others.
Global mean density was 4025 trees/ha with aboveground biomass of 102.55 Mg/ha, 50% of which is carbon. Increases found for Polylepis are very slow and ranged from 0.04 to 0.55 mm/year. Annual production was 1.11 Mg/ha. The results show that the 70 % of absorbed carbon is used for the production and maintenance of the leaves.