Cambios dentoalveolares en pacientes clase II tratados con aparatología advansync y herbst: prueba clínica aleatorizada controlada
Montalvo Jaramillo, Anhaly Carolina
The correction of class II malocclusion with mandibular advancement devices can be achieved through the combination of dentoalveolar changes, orthopedic forces that inhibit maxillary growth and orthopedic forces that stimulate mandibular growth. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the dentoalveolar changes produced by Advansync and Herbst appliances in Class II patients. The sample consisted of 30 patients between 11 and 18 years old randomly distributed into two groups: the study group (Advansync Device) and the control group (Herbst Device). After the installation of the appliance, controls were carried out for 9 months and the advancement devices were activated every three months. The lateral cephalometric skull radiographs were measured using the Dolphin Digital Imaging and Management Solutions software (version 11.3). The results showed that the measurements L6-PM (0.001), 1-NB (0.000), L1-PM ° (0.000) and 1-NB ° (0.000) presented statistically significant differences at the end of the treatment with Herbst, these variations were similar in Advansync: L6-PM (0.001), 1-NB (0.000), L1-PM ° (0.000) and 1-NB ° (0.000); however, when comparisons were made between the two groups there were no significant differences, 48.7% and 49.3% of the cases treated with Herbst and Advansync respectively were successful. It concludes that there is no statistically significant difference in dentoalveolar changes that produce both devices; in addition, the number of successful cases treated did not show significant differences between the two groups.