Detección del virus rábico en glándula parótida de ratones CD-1 inoculados con diferentes dosis de virus estándar de desafío (CVS)
Quezada Alvarado, Juan Diego
The present work is entitled "Detection of rabies virus in the parotid gland of CD-1 mice
inoculated with different doses of Standard Challenge Virus". It was carried out in the
laboratory of the National Institute of Public Health Research - Leopoldo Izquieta Pérez -
Austro Regional. The present work aims to evaluate the use of parotid tissue for the detection
of rabies virus using direct immunofluorescence in CD-1 mice after experimental inoculation
in the brain with several doses of standard challenge virus. The standard technique of
intracerebral inoculation with Standard Virus of Challenge was used for the diagnosis of rabies
virus. Four groups of 20 mice were formed with different doses of antigen; detection of virus
in imprints of the brain and parotid tissue was performed by direct immunofluorescence. To
determine the association of factors under study (tissue, time and dose of standard virus), the
following calculations were performed: Chi-square, Fisher exact test and binary logistic
regression. The type of tissue, the antigen doses and the time of detection of the rabies virus did
not show any significant difference. This led to the conclusion that it is possible to use parotid
tissue for the detection of rabies virus in CD-1 mice.