Guía didáctica con el uso de softwares educativos para la enseñanza de la cinemática lineal
Piña Ramírez, Miguel Ángel
Puglla Puglla, Yomner Luciano
Since ancient times education has always been subject to change, new ideas and ways of
teaching and learning are always emerging. One of the most significant changes in education
today is technology, since it is part of the daily life of both the teacher and the student, so it
is very important to include technology in the teaching and learning process in education.
Therefore, this teaching guide on linear kinematics provides teachers with a different way
of teaching their students with the use of technology, especially with simulators, so that they
have a teaching alternative for this subject and thus achieve a better understanding of physical
concepts in students.
The relevance of this proposal was made through a mixed quantitative and qualitative
research, through the application of the knowledge test instrument applied to students of the
third cycle of the career of Pedagogy of Experimental Sciences: Mathematics and Physics of
the University of Cuenca, and through the interview applied to a physics teacher, where it
was evidenced that there are deficiencies in the knowledge of linear kinematics in students
and the importance of using educational software in the teaching of physics