Diagnóstico de calidad de agua del río Collay para su uso como una herramienta de gestión ambiental en la conservación hídrica del embalse Mazar
Alvarez Marín, Santiago José
Matute Blandin, Jaime Sebastián
Water is a fundamental resource for life and the quality is linked with its physical, chemical, and biological components. Over the time, anthropic activities (raising livestock, farming, burning and logging of forests, etc.) have shown a relation with the change of waters natural composition. For such motives, it’s important to (diagnose) realize a diagnosis of the quality in water and look at the impact human activities have on this certain resource. This study will determine the quality of water in the Collay River, using the Water Quality Index (WQI) of the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF). It implies the physical, chemical, and biological factors (fecal coliform, pH, DBO5, NO3, PO4, temperature, turbidity, OD, SDT). There were 7 monitoring campaigns done within 5 months (October 2016-February 2017), performing 21 samples in three points. The first point was in the upper part of where the river starts its journey in the geographical coordinates, 760001; 9682112 UTM. The second point was at the downstream part of the river in the geographical coordinates, 760023; 9681511 UTM. The third and last point was where the river basin ends in the Collay River at the geographical coordinates, 761847; 9683677 UTM. The results of the physical, chemical, and biological parameters were analyzed and compared with the current environmental regulations (Norma De Calidad Ambiental Y De Descarga De Efluentes: Recurso Agua (Tulsma Libro VI Anexo1). Likewise, in the upper part of the river basin we use the Leopold matrix to identify, assess, and provide mitigation measures to environmental impacts caused by anthropic activities that complicate water conservation. This technical project will be useful for the CELEC EP Company in its different management activities.