Evaluación de las condiciones operacionales de la planta de tratamiento Quillosisa-Malapamba a través del análisis de la calidad del agua
Durán León, Iván Santiago
In this titling work, the quality of drinking water from the Quillosisa Malapamba treatment
plant is evaluated, from which the inhabitants of the communities of Quillosisa, Malapamba,
Patapata and San Nicolás belonging to Santa Isabel Province of Azuay benefit. The analysis
of the physical, chemical and microbiological parameters of the water samples from points
such as the collection of raw water inside the plant, the exit of the slow sand filtration system,
the exit of the storage tank and homes was carried out with different distances from the
water treatment plant that are supplied with the vital liquid. The results of the analyses
performed were compared mainly with the regulations in force, which identify the maximum
permissible limits established in INEN 1108 2020 and the Unified Text of Secondary
Environmental Legislation (TULSMA) Book VI, Annex 1. In addition, descriptive statistics
used in the calculation of the mean, standard deviation and confidence interval were applied,
with the SPSS statistical program, in which ANOVA analysis was also performed on the
parameters evaluated with respect to each drinking water treatment stage and supply in
several homes to determine their statistically significant variation. Among the water
parameters evaluated, the results of the physical analysis comply with the reference norms
based on international standards, and with respect to the results of the chemical analysis,
significant variations were found in residual chlorine, calcium hardness and magnesium
hardness. The microbiological analysis showed variations outside the norms in the water
samples analyzed. Thus, at the end of this investigation, it is concluded that there are
parameters that exceed the levels established in the applied standards, and therefore the
respective technical recommendations are established in order to improve the water
treatment in this water treatment plant and obtain quality water that is suitable for human