Construcción de perfiles por competencias y valoración de cargos para la industria manufacturera de calzado con aplicación a la Empresa Litargmode Cía. Ltda., ubicada en el cantón Gualaceo periodo 2015
Cárdenas Guzhñay, Nancy Marisela
Sangurima Sangurima, Eulalia Nataly
The topic’s thesis is “Building competency profile and assessment of charges for manufacturing shoe with application to the company LITARGMODE Cia. Ltda. Located in the canton Gualaceo period 2015". In actuality one of the basic activities of Human Resources Department is designing and planning the requirement for work positions or jobs. A proper definition for job allows us to hire and promote people, to implement developing plans, the intern equity and fair extern salary, motivation, the internal communication and team work.
The company’s main issue is that has not the right analysis for jobs or work positions, in other words the staff is unaware of the exact activity that has to be done on their assigned jobs, as well as the indispensable requirements needed to develop the commissioned job efficiently.
To accomplish this project of valuation jobs is required to develop an analysis and description of jobs activities, for that purpose; first it is necessary to elaborate competence profiles for each job.
A competence profile describes the position, activities that has to perform the assigned occupant, in this includes the competence, knowledge, and necessary skills to perform the job efficiently.
The valuation job is important for the companies since it allows managing the wages and salary for the staff in a better way; this project attempts to create an administrative analysis of competences expecting the staff feel comfortable with their wages obtained. It is important to highlight that the valuation has to be applied upon a job not to the person.
The present project is intended to implement an administrative analysis of management by competences that helps to the Human Resources Department, to raise awareness what activities has to be achieved on each job, as it is the obligatory list that require each one of them. In this project the staff will be an active part to reach the set objectives and have positive results for the company.Litargmode Cia. Ltda.