Elaboración de una guía turística de las áreas de bosques y vegetación protectores Aguarongo, Collay y río Shio-Santa Bárbara
Astudillo Abad, Nicolás Santiago
Quintuña Tenempaguay, Klever Andrés
In general, forests are disappearing for a variety of reasons, linked essentially to demographic development. Therefore, it has been necessary to promote the development of non-extractive economic activities that help to preserve the territory of protected areas.
The protected forests of Azuay have, within their territories of protection, valuable landscape, environmental and tourist resources, which are mostly not visited due the lack of knowledge or publicity.
For these reasons, through the development of this monograph, information and general data are collected from three protected forests: Aguarongo, Collay and Rio Shio-Santa Barbara, located to the east of the Cuenca canton. The main environmental values, types of ecosystems, representative flora and fauna species and main tourist attractions of each area have been distinguished.
The final product of the research and compilation work is a physical touristic guide, whose layout has been elaborated, thinking of the utility and ease of information, without neglecting the visual aesthetics of the brochure. With this product, we hope to contribute with the conservation of forests through a promotion of the areas and their visit, being an alternative for the development of activities related to nature tourism, adventure tourism and environmental education.