Evaluación de la vulnerabilidad sísmica de edificaciones, mediante la aplicación de metodologías pre-evento sísmico y con posicionamiento empleando el sistema de información geográfica. Estudio de caso: edificaciones de la parroquia Gil Ramírez Dávalos y la parroquia Yanuncay
Cárdenas Ortega, Doménica Abigail
Ruilova Pesantez, Juan José
According to (NEC, 2015b) most of the Ecuadorian territory is located in an area of high seismic
risk. Therefore, there are buildings that have a high degree of vulnerability based on where they
are located. Specifically, in the city of Cuenca, the problem is amplified because there is no a right
application of the building code, which establishes the necessary guidelines for the design of
earthquake-resistant structures. This is mainly due to the informality in the construction of buildings.
Not to mention, those older buildings that were constructed without any anti-seismic criteria, due to
the lack of regulations.
The current research assesses the degree of seismic vulnerability of a certain number of buildings in
the city, through the application of three pre-seismic event methodologies, the first being proposed
by the Federal Emergency Management Agency FEMA, called RVS or Rapid Visual Assessment; the
second, proposed in the Practical Guide for Seismic Evaluation and Rehabilitation of Structures, in
accordance with the Ecuadorian Construction Standard NEC and, finally, the third, proposed by the
National Risk Management System (SNGR) for the Vulnerability Assessment Seismic in Existing
Buildings. For data collection, forms belonging to each methodology are used, which are completed
through a field survey and the analysis of available documents such as drawings and photographs.
The findings indicate that most buildings present high seismic vulnerability. It can then be established
that the occupants of the households live in a constant state of risk, due to the low structural quality
of their buildings. Consequently, it is necessary to create action plans to mitigate the current seismic
risks. It should be noted that the first two methodologies coincide in these results while the third
opposes this premise. This contradiction shows the need to improve the existing methodologies in
the country for this type of analysis.
Finally, the results obtained will be used to create a database that will be stored in a geographic
information system (ArcGIS), which will be available to the general public. It is intended that in
the future the information can be expanded with results from more areas of the city of Cuenca to
complete its entirety