Prevalencia de parásitos gastrointestinales en bovinos hembras adultas de los cantones occidentales de la provincia del Azuay
García Jara, Diana Carolina
Quito Ucho, Tania Isabel
To determine the prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites in adult cows in the western cantons of the Azuay, 870 stool samples were taken, which were analyzed by flotation (PF) and sedimentation (PS) techniques, in the laboratory of the Agricultural Sciences School at the University of Cuenca. In addition, the relationship between prevalence and the variables grazing system, sanitary system, animal load, altitudinal floor and dispersion of feces were evaluated. A percentage of 88,4±1.1% for total prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites, a value of 68,6±1.6% for the flotation technique and 79,7±1.5% for sedimentation were determined. A higher frequency was established for the genus Eimeria bovis with low (49±1,7% PF ; 68,9±1,6% PS) and moderate infestation (2±0,5% PF ; 3,3±0,6% PS). It was found interaction between the prevalence and the variables grazing system, animal load, altitudinal floor and dispersion of feces (P <0.05). However with the health system there was no significant evidence to determine a relationship (P> 0.05). Therefore, an inadequate parasite control program may generate resistance to the active ingredient of the drug. The optimum idea is to use a specific drug against internal parasites, prior to a coprological analysis