El paisaje como recurso turístico y sus problemáticas asociadas en la zona costera de la ciudad de Kuta-Bali, indonesia
Salazar González, Pedro Arturo
This thesis work represents an exercise of analysis to approach the landscape study, putting emphasis as a tourism resource, displaying its dynamics and transformation, and the effects caused by the development of this activity into the territory. Located in the west coast of the Bali Island in Indonesia, immersed in a context where the culture and the natural resources represents the main attraction for the local and foreign tourist to visit it, which shows an accelerated growing, specially produced by the touristic development, giving as a result a transformation of the natural landscape, and also the intangible landscape which is the culture and its manifestations, being these characteristics the principal attractions that define Bali as a touristic destiny.
The selection of the area of study had established a strip of 8 Km along de beachfront, in which contains three different areas according to urbanization process, cultural manifestations, infrastructure and touristic services, and land uses, showing diverse of scenarios to study the landscape transformation.
The methodology chosen consists a clear guide to address the landscape analysis according to the scale and detail required for this case of study. Incorporating variables referred to the touristic development, the land uses and the way of the people occupy and do their activities on the beachfront, this study combines and establishes the relation between these variables with the landscape´s transformation, showing how these activities can modify the attractive of a place that is considered a touristic destiny.