The role of vocabulary knowledge in EFL proficiency
Balboa Lazo, Mayra Cristina
This research synthesis explored the role of vocabulary size/breadth, and
depth/quality of vocabulary knowledge in reading comprehension, writing quality, speaking
fluency and listening comprehension. The aim of this study was to analyze to what extent
vocabulary size and depth influence EFL learners' performance in the four macro skills in
order to get a better understanding of the role of vocabulary knowledge as one of the main
components of English proficiency. For this purpose, 15 empirical studies published since
2000 and that analyzed the two dimensions in English as foreign language were selected.
This paper thus covers recent developments from a wide range of perspectives focusing on
proficiency level and L1 background.
Findings revealed that (1) vocabulary breadth and depth contribute strongly to EFL
learners' performance at any proficiency level, (2) both the impact of breadth and depth on
EFL proficiency are distinctive on each skill and key in language performance, and (3)
emphasis should be placed on vocabulary acquisition in EFL classrooms, particularly on
aspects such as (a) teaching and learning high frequency words and (b) word learning quality.