Modelo de aseguramiento de la calidad en la construcción de la vivienda unifamiliar
Izquierdo Tacuri, Diego Mauricio
The document presented below corresponds to the thesis to obtain the title of “Magister en Construcciones” at the University of Cuenca.
As part of one of the research lines of the Mastery, is the Construction Management. In this important area, the thesis has been named " Modelo de aseguramiento de la Calidad en la Construcción de la Vivienda Unifamiliar"
As the housing, building that more is built, the greatest demand and seeks to solve most needs, it has been selected as the main reference for the development of this thesis. The application of the concepts contained within the scope of the evolution of quality, is the beginning of the creation of this proposal.
It has done a model for quality assurance in the construction of housing, the same which is made up by 6 chapters. Initially, the project is defined, identifying the problem and defining the situation to act. It sets out the objectives and hypotheses. It defines the theoretical framework that will guide the development of the thesis
With the knowledge of the tools and quality models. In this thesis, It will study its influence in the field of construction. Then, with the knowledge of the structure of the housing projects, it will establish the organization of the proposed
Finally, the model will define its own structure, making schemes and formats. With the application of model in two case studies, the proposal will finish. At the end of this thesis, it will do the respective conclusions.