Efectividad de la sedación prequirúrgica y su nivel de recuperación postoperatoria en pacientes pediátricos entre 2 y 8 años en el Hospital Vicente Corral Moscoso y Hospital José Carrasco Arteaga. Cuenca 2019
Naranjo Proaño, Marcia Isabel
Background: Pre-surgical anxiety is a fear-generating state. Children are more vulnerable and it can be associated with night fears and somatizations. Premedication is key to reducing this state of discomfort.
Objective: To observe the effectiveness of presurgical sedation and its level of postoperative recovery in pediatric patients between 2 and 8 years of age, undergoing scheduled surgeries at the Vicente Corral Moscoso Hospital and the José Carrasco Arteaga Hospital.
Method and materials: A descriptive observational study was carried out in the period January to December 2019. The sample was representative and random, with 125 patients who received premedication determined by an anesthesiologist. Data were collected during pre-anesthetic, trans and postoperative visits. A questionnaire validated in a pilot plan was used, filled out by previously trained personnel, the analysis was performed using EPI DATA v.3.5 software. With the following criteria, confidence level 95%, percentage of effectiveness 0.08, margin of error 5%.
Results: Most of the children presented an adequate level of sedation according to the Richmond Rass Scale. 82.4% presented a level 0; 16.8% presented a level -1; 0.8% presented anxiety. The pharmacological effect was observed in a time greater than 30 minutes in 64% of patients. 68.8% did not present postoperstory pain. 96% had a recovery stay between 30 and 120 minutes, in relation to the level of sedation (p: 0.00).
Conclusions: Preoperative sedation has proven to be beneficial as it provides the necessary means for atraumatic care of the child and their families; allows a comfort area that reduces the risk of complications.