Estrategias de intervención desde el trabajo social frente al consumo de drogas en la adolescencia
Pomaquiza Saeteros, Nelly Graciela
The current monograph entitled Intervention strategies from social work against consumption of drugs in adolescence. It presents a theoretical approaching to conflict that means the use and consumption of drugs by ecuadorian´s teenagers and the role that the social worker play against this problematic.
The research is divided in 3 chapters. The first chapter treats about drugs historical evolution; what are them?; its classification according to its constitution; the effects produced; the consumption of them in the teenagers and the risk factors in the adolescence. For this purpose have been employed bibliographic research from primary sources, governmental organisms and updated information about drugs consumption in Ecuador from main local print media, getting as result percentage of consumption and activities developed by the current government.
In the second chapter we addressed the referent to Social Work, from the definition of the significative terms until the strategies used in every stage that people with addiction to drugs.
In the third chapter we treated about how is the consumptions of drugs in the teenagers?; the functions that they perform against to this problematic, and finally, the possible choices and/or strategies from social work to get rehabilitation for a drug addict teenagers and paying attention to lineaments provided by SETED and National Asamblea.