Detección de helicobacter pylori en los comerciantes minoristas de la Asociación 9 de Enero, Cuenca 2018
Pesántez Lojano, Paola Alexandra
Salinas Cueva, Wendy Gissela
BACKGROUND: For several decades there have been problems that cause the informalization of retailers traders, lack of education, opportunities and socioeconomic situation make them resort to informal trade, becoming a vulnerable group capable of contracting H. pylori.
GENERAL OBJECTIVE: To determine the presence of Helicobacter pylori in the retailers traders of the Association January 9, Cuenca 2018.
METHODOLOGY: It is a cross-sectional, descriptive and observational investigation for the detection of Helicobacter pylori in the retailers traders of the Association January 9, whose universe is of 110 people, with which it was worked in its entirety. For the execution of the research we are directed towards this population, an informed consent was signed, in addition, the relevant information was obtained through a survey and then the biological samples were obtained. The detection of Helicobacter pylori was performed using the Elisa method in serum and faeces samples, tabulation and analysis of the data were made through the SPSS 22 statistics and the Microsoft Excel program.
RESULTS: An incidence of 63,6% was obtained for H. pylori antigen in fecal matter and 68,2% in serum IgG antibodies, the female sex predominated with 60% (feces) and 61,3% (serum), the age between 34 to 51 years was mostly infected. The associated risk factors were type of housing and property, working hours, education, obtaining and meal schedule.
CONCLUSIONS: The incidence of H. pylori found in traders is considered significant, taking into account the associated factors, which may predispose to stomach cancer.