Concierto con los niveles 1, 2 y 3 de la especialidad de piano del proyecto orquestas escolares de la Coordinación de Educación zonal 6 de Cuenca: ocho arreglos de pasillos, pasacalles, san juanitos y danzantes para piano a cuatro manos
Jumbo Soto, Verónica Elizabeth
Within the methodological needs of the piano, for its teaching at the beginning and middle levels, not only focuses on the reading and playing of solo piano, it is also applied as part of its methodology the assembly of works with four hands, to develop in the student rhythmic-melodic skills and coordination.
In the Ecuadorian musical medium we find different works for their perfomance in orchestras, choirs, quartets, groups, ensembles and solo instrument, but scarce is the material developed and directed for the four-hand
piano format and its methodology.
Therefore, the present investigation project bases on methodological proposal for the assembly of eight arrangements of works for piano to four hands of pasillos, pasacalles, sanjuanitos and danzantes, with the participants of the piano specialty of the Project of School Orchestras of the Area Education Coordination 6 of Cuenca, elaborated according to their needs to develop rhythmic-melodic, technical and perfomance skills. The works are presented at the end of the application in a concert, where it is demonstrated, the achievements reached by each of the participants.