Perfil clínico epidemiológico de pacientes con pólipos rectales en el área de pediatría de los hospitales José Carrasco Arteaga y Vicente corral Moscoso. Cuenca, ecuador, 2012-2017
Auquilla Cobos, Olga Margarita
Background: Gastrointestinal polyps in general represent 3 to 4% in children under 21 years of age, 1% are found in preschool and schoolchildren, with juvenile-type rectal polyps being the most frequent lesion in this age group, whose usual clinical presentation is rectal bleeding.
Objective: To determine the epidemiological clinical profile of patients with rectal polyps in the Pediatrics area of the José Carrasco Arteaga and Vicente Corral Moscoso Hospitals. Cuenca, Ecuador during the period 2012-2017.
Methodology: A descriptive study was carried out, with the participation of 79 patients who met the inclusion criteria. The information of interest was collected from the medical records of the participants and from the AS400 system of the Jose Carrasco Arteaga Hospital and MEDISYS of the Vicente Corral Moscoso Hospital. For the statistical analysis, the SPSS version 15 program was used, the qualitative variables were presented in the form of frequencies and percentages, while for the quantitative variables, measures of central tendency were used as the mean.
Results: A predominance was found in males (60,8%), mainly in the school stage (50,6%), rectorrhagia being the most frequent symptoms with 75,9%, 22,8% presenting a palpable mass, according to the type of polyp morphologically a 79,7% were pedunculated, histologically 67,1%were hamartomatous, and according to the number, 88,6% were unique.
Conclusions: Rectal polyp is common in males and rectal bleeding is the main symptom, with the hamartomatous polyp being the predominant one.