Prevalencia de depresión en pacientes con insuficiencia renal crónica sometidos a tratamientos de hemodialisís en la Unidad de Servicios Renales del Austro cia. ltda.
Monsalve Serrano, Iván Andrés
Morales Crespo, Sthepanie Eliana
Veléz Lara, Andrea Monserrath
Hemodialysis is the standard treatment in patients with chronic renal failure, which is for life, and brings multiple effects, including depression. This should be taken into account in the therapeutic management.
Objectives: To determine the prevalence of depression, classification, characteristics such as age, sex, marital status, occupation and family functionality and identify possible causes of presentation in patients with chronic renal failure undergoing hemodialysis In the Unidad de Servicios Renales del Austro. Cia.Ltda, Cuenca - Ecuador 2011.
Materials and Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional quantitative study. We applied the Beck Depression Test with a universe of 144 patients.
•The prevalence of depression in patients with renal insufficiency was 16%.
•We studied a population of 144 patients with a mean age of 53.70 years and 17.39 SD years, of which 60.4% were female, 65.3% of the cases were married, and 40.3% were unemployed, 83.3% of the cases came from functional families. And 50.7% of patients were with a treatment time of 12-60 months.
• The degrees of depression were: 11.8% mild to moderate: 4.2%.
• The occupation and family functioning is related to depression in this population.
• There was no statistical association between the variables age, sex, marital status, or years of treatment with depression.