Análisis interpretativo de los textos de Filosofía de las Series Ingenios y Alto Rendimiento
Marín Trelles, Nátaly Elizabeth
Contreras Calle, Franklin Darío
This paper aims to analyze the texts of the Philosophy course of the Ingenios Series and the High Performance Series in an interpretative way specifically the units that develop the third central theme of the official curriculum of the Republic of Ecuador for the subject of Philosophy: Western philosophy and Latin American philosophy. In the first instance, the texts are analyzed and described based on the skills with performance criteria that each text brings. It takes into account the knowledge, the skills that each text contains in relation to the original work from which the information is obtained, the images that accompany this knowledge or skills and finally the activities and evaluations destined to consolidate them. Based on this description and analysis, the information is processed in order to reveal the contribution of these texts for the achievement of the other elements of the curriculum selected for this work in chapter three.