Anteproyecto arquitectónico de una vivienda social para la ciudad de Cuenca, en base a un módulo que permita su crecimiento evolutivo. Aplicación de un sistema que corresponda de mejor manera al aspecto tecnológico y económico
Ugalde Serrano, Daniel Esteban
The present thesis work seeks to provide an alternative to social housing that is economic yet it meets contemporary architectural criteria to improve the quality of life of its inhabitants. The research aims to acquire a general knowledge of industrialized housing and progressive housing. The definition of these aspects will let us form a technical principle on the constructive and functional needs at a national and international level. To achieve those goals, study of cases, analysis of companies and industrialized building systems in the country will be carry out and compared to a conventional building system used in Ecuador. With this theoretical and technical support, a social housing project for the city of Cuenca will be formulated. The project of a progressive house will allow its inhabitants to develop it according to its needs, and the constructive system will respond better in technological and economic terms.