La reparación económica en la reparación integral dentro de la acción de protección en Ecuador
Riera Robles, Gabriela Estefanía
This monograph analyzes the economic reparation in integral reparation within the action of protection in Ecuador.
Within the present investigation, it is necessary to define certain concepts, which will allow a precise understanding of what is sought to be analyzed within the present work.
As a starting point, it is pertinent to analyze what comprises the damage focused on the violation of a constitutional right, and to begin our analysis we must start with what is considered damage. Likewise, we have the concept of integral reparation and economic reparation as mechanisms of compensation or satisfaction of the violated right, included in our legislation, in accordance with the standards established by the Inter-American System of Human Rights.
In addition, due to the great importance of integral reparation in the existence of violated rights, the execution phase of these judgments will be analyzed, both in contentious administrative and summary proceedings. Thus, each of the contents that integrate the present research work, are aimed at making a legal contribution within the subject matter of study.