Análisis del desarrollo del turismo de aventura en el cantón Limón Indanza, provincia de Morona Santiago
Jadán Guaillazaca, Ilda Cristina
Canton Limon Indanza is located in the province of Morona Santiago at an altitude of 1100 meters above sea level, with a temperature ranging between 18-24 degrees centigrade, at a distance of 110 kilometers from the capital city of Macas, and at 105 kilometers from Cuenca city.
Limón Indanza is a geographical area that has a variety of touristic attractions, both natural and cultural, whose growth is based on the adequate physical conditions for growth of adventure tourism. On the other hand, it has different modalities such as land and water activities of adventure tourism carried out in the canton. We will carry out an analysis of adventure tourism development with the final purpose of knowing its background, and identifying the opportunities to generate new alternatives and additional services to this tourism modality. This analysis is also performed with the purpose of contributing to the economic growth of the town through generating employment opportunities and tourist servers in order to help people improve their quality of life.