La evaluación de los aprendizajes en educación básica: entre el discurso y la práctica
Campoverde Mendoza, Ángela Anabelle
Llivisupa Segarra, Freddy Francisco
The literature indicates that evaluating learning goes much further than simply
obtaining or assigning grades, rather, it refers to a continuous, formative and sequential
process that facilitates the improvement of the learning process, however, at present it is
evidenced that the theory implemented, it loses its meaning and continues to reduce the
process of assigning grades. In this sense, the importance of reviewing the relationship
between theoretical discourse and evaluation practice is highlighted. The purpose of this
research is to demonstrate bibliographically the existence of a relationship between the
discourse of Basic Education teachers and what is really applied in the evaluation of learning.
For this, a documentary-type investigation is carried out with a focus on a constructivist
perspective, where it is rescued as the main results that teachers in training and in service
need effective and quality training that uses the constructivist framework within the particular
evaluation, in addition of the existence of several limiting factors for an adequate adoption
of the evaluation of learning in a constructive way, one of the most important being the
conception of teachers about evaluation.