Metodological proposal for trajectory analysis. Case study
Illescas Peña, Lourdes Eugenia
Peña Ortega, Mario Patricio
Bravo Guerrero, Marcelo Fabián
Larriva González, Silvana Fabiola
For university academic management in general, it is always important to clear-ly know the average time a student needs to complete the credits established in the curriculum. There are several methods to capture academic information and most of them are based on qualification records, access to virtual platforms, as-sistance, etc. Based on the architecture of learning analysis proposed by the au-thors, we specifically worked on a methodology that would allow measuring the academic trajectory using variables such as: number of credits per semester, grades, approvals and number of enrollments. Information from a 2013 cohort of two university careers was used as a reference. The result of the methodolo-gy allowed graphing the behavior and generating a detailed analysis of the aca-demic trajectory. The methodological proposal can be generalized for other ca-reers provided that the analysis of the results is contextualized to the behavior of the nature of the training area.