| bachelorThesis
Prevalencia de hipoacusia en muy prematuros en el Hospital Vicente Corral Moscoso durante el periodo 2014-2017
Saavedra Bermeo, Gabriela Estefanía
Rodríguez Bune, Mayra Elizabeth
Hearing loss is considered one of the most common clinical manifestations in the world, which can be detected from an early age with subjective and objective examinations. The literature indicates that there is a higher prevalence of hearing loss in infants that born prematurely, which will subsequently cause emotional, professional and social problems. In Ecuador, hearing screening is performed on newborns to prevent future hearing loss.
General objective: To determine the prevalence of the hearing loss in very premature infants in the Hospital Vicente Corral Moscoso during the period 2014-2017.
Methodology: The medical records of the users who underwent auditory evoked potentials in the period 2014-2017 were reviewed, registering those who met the inclusion criteria in a form and tabulated with the SPSS version 22 program and Microsoft Excel.
Results: A total of 36 users was obtained, where it was observed that maternal factors (66.7%) were the main cause of risk of prematurity. In addition, it was evidenced that 42.7% were diagnosed with normal hearing, in which 13.9% of them were exposed to ototoxic drugs. Finally, it was determined that there was a high percentage of sensorineural hearing loss with 36.1% of cases and 8.4% for both conductive hearing loss and mixed hearing loss.
Conclusions: The 47.2% of the users were diagnosed with normal hearing, however, a high percentage of hearing loss (52.9%) was found, including sensorineural, conductive, and mixed hearing loss.