Tutela a la seguridad social de niños, niñas y adolescentes, en casos de custodia familiar, acogimiento familiar o nombramiento de tutor, Caso No. 2334-16-EP
Campoverde Verdugo, Erika Samantha
This paper aims to carry out a critical analysis about the protection of the social security of
children and adolescents in cases of family custody, foster care, or appointment of a guardian.
Hence, this study will demonstrate the erroneous application of legal regulations (Social Security
Law) regarding the scope of protection of the right to health by the judges of the Criminal
Chamber of the Provincial Court of Justice of Azuay within the Protection Action N° 00020-16,
in which the appeal interposed by the Ecuadorian Social Security Institute was declared
admissible ignoring the violation of Matías Nicolás Viteri Coellar rights, a nine-year-old boy
with an intellectual disability of forty percent (40%) and epilepsy who is in the care of his
maternal grandparents. Finally, the method used is qualitative since the legal analysis of the
Extraordinary Protection Action No. 2334-16-EP will be carried out, in which the legal problem
to be resolved was the violation of constitutional rights to due process in the guarantee of
motivation and health. Besides, it will be determined that the aforementioned normative body is
incompatible with the right to family contained in the 2008 Constitution