El abolicionismo penal: eliminación de las cárceles ecuatorianas (Cuenca) por su deslegitimación social
Bermeo Cangua, René Efraín
Criminal Abolitionism is a new human thinking that allows finding peace, improving social coexistence with the direct participation of people who are involved in social conflicts; proposes that the social control carried out by the State change in its institutionalized governmental structure to improve the achievement of its purposes. This change is regarding Criminal Abolitionism, and it can only be achieved with the total elimination of the criminal system or its most cruel part such as prison.
In Ecuador, social control is in charge in its non-institutionalized form to schools, universities, and the media, among others; and, in its institutionalized form is done by governmental bodies such as: the Judicial Function, National Police and the Penitentiary System. Now, what intended is to verify whether the institutionalized form of social control specifically the prison system fulfills or not its social function. When verifying the breach of the social function of the penitentiary system (jail), taking the abolitionist ideas a gradual elimination of the same will be looking for