Características sociodemográficas del adulto mayor con deterioro auditivo en el centro de atención del IESS. Cuenca 2015
Déleg Guartán, Ruth Carolina
Saca Viri, Ana Ximena
GENERAL AIM: To establish the sociodemographic characteristics of the older adult with hearing impairment in the center of attention of the IESS. 2015 basin.
METHODOLOGY: descriptive cross sectional study. The compound per 1800 people found enrolled in the spotlight of the elderly, in the city of Cuenca, 2015. Universe worked with a sample of 317 older adults. This project was conducted through surveys and audiometry.
The data obtained were analyzed in SPSS 20.00 and Excel 2010; for analysis descriptive statistics were used; well trained staff performed tonal audiometry type in the Diagnostic Center at the University of Cuenca.
USE OF RESULTS: The results obtained from the surveys and the audiometrías performed are the following.
Of the 317 respondents (248 (78%) female, 69 (22%) male), hearing tests carried out to 160 older adults of both sexes, have some type of hearing impairment highlighting the degree of normal hearing 11% (34), mild conductive hearing loss 7% (22), Conductive hearing loss moderate 3% (11), mixed hearing loss mild 8% (25), moderate mixed hearing loss 3% (8), mild sensorineural hearing loss 9% (29), moderate sensorineural hearing loss 9% (27), severe sensorineural hearing loss 1% (3).
The information obtained during the investigation allows you to set an overall assessment of the current status of the degree of hearing of older adults, makes evident the importance of adequate attention from the 60 or more years, to prevent hearing loss due to aging