La experiencia del visitante en la Reserva y Museo de Artes Populares, Cuenca-Ecuador
Barzallo Neira, Cristina Andrea
Avecillas Torres, Angeles Imelda
Freire Chaglla, Segundo Amador
Torres Leon, Leonardo
This study establishes the visitor's experience in the Popular Arts Reserve and Museum belongingto the Inter-American Center for Crafts and Popular Arts, CIDAP, based upon the comments voluntarily recordedin the Visitor Log Book during the period 2016-2018. The methodology used is qualitative and the techniqueapplied was content analysis to establish categories that determine the visitors’ type of experience. The work isa contribution to know the characteristics of a visitor to the museum experience, as it highlights the role of itsuser’s subjectivity. On the other hand, it allows to notice the contemporary importance of craftsmanship and thereaction that it currently arouses in visitors to specialized museums in this area.