Prevalencia de la enfermedad gingival en niños de 6 a 12 años de la Escuela José María Velasco Ibarra, Cuenca 2013-2014
Bravo Medina, Pablo Ramiro
Solís Contreras, Christian Fernando
Gingival disease is a common public health problem, especially in children; The purpose of the study was to determine their prevalence and relate it with associated factors to school children.
Were observed and was diagnosed 208 children aged 6 to 12 years of different areas of the city of Cuenca, at school "José María Velasco Ibarra". The index used to determine the level of gingival disease was the gingival inflammation index of Löe-Silness. To determine it, periodontal sonda CP11 was used. Obtained and analyzed epidemiologically the index of each participant, we observed that the prevalence of gingival disease in the sample was 96.6% showing only mild and moderate levels, the first being significantly higher (P <0.001). Furthermore it was found that the poor oral hygiene increases in 3.42 and the regular oral hygiene in 2.15 the chances of having gingival disease.
Keywords: gingival disease, prevalence, oral hygiene