| Article
Anestesia con temifentanil+desflurano vs. fentanil+desflurano, para colecistectomía laparoscópica
Barzallo Sacoto, Jorge Eduardo
Flores Durán, Carlos Teodoro
Remifentanil is a novel agonist of mu receiving,
metabolized for inespecific esterase in blood and
tissues, without lolling any organ and its metabolites
they are inactive.
Due to their unique pharmacological profile, anesthesia
base don Remifentanil combines an opioid, sure and
deep for surgery, with a quick and predictable recovery.
It presents other advantages like the hemodynamic
stability, especially on endotracheal intubations and
cutaneous incision, as well as a reduced risk breathing depression in the post-operative room.
Compared with conventional classic technique fentanildesfluorano
whose obstacle was fear opioids overdose
being carried out for it control of anesthesia base on
the anesthetic inhalator or propofol. In such virtue, use
of remifentanil in infusión bombs probably will change
our current anesthesia administration methods.