Factores psicosociales que influyen en el ingreso de los adolescentes a pandillas del cantón Cuenca, en el periodo 2020–2021
Asitimbay Flores, Jonnathan Ariel
Gangs are a global phenomenon that appears in scenarios as diverse as they are
changing. They result from the combination of multiple factors and respond to different
needs, which depend on the context. The city of Cuenca is not exempt from these groups,
so it is interesting and necessary to have a theoretical approach that contextualizes the entry
of adolescents into gangs. From a psychosocial perspective, the objective of this research is
to relate psychosocial factors with the human needs of adolescents at the time of joining a
gang. To fulfill this purpose, two specific objectives were established: to identify the needs
and satisfiers of adolescents at the time of joining gangs in Cuenca based on the matrix
proposed by Max Neef; and to identify the psychosocial factors present in adolescents at
the time of joining gangs in Cuenca. The collection instruments were the sociodemographic
card and the semi-structured interview, which were applied to 8 participants, 7 men and 1
woman. They participated in one of the following gangs: Master of Street (MOS),
Trinitarios (DPL), Weekends (WKS) and Plaza del Arte (PDA). It is worth mentioning that
the interview was elaborated by linking the needs and satisfiers proposed by Max Neef with
psychosocial factors at the individual, family, social and economic levels. Thematic
analysis was used to process the information. The main results are: psychosocial factors set
the conditions, while needs and satisfiers function as motivation for adolescents to join
gangs; gangs respond to needs that adolescents do not satisfy in other groups, since in
socialization spaces such as the family, school, neighborhood or public spaces, they are
violated or neglected; adolescents freely decide to join gangs according to their tastes and
needs, but the gangs subject them to entry tests. In conclusion, the needs that motivate
adolescents to join gangs depend on the psychosocial factors of protection and risk present
at the individual, family, social and economic levels.