Estrategias de la comunicación interpersonal para la selección y supervisión del personal
Quizhpi Jiménez, Cumandá Victoria
It is natural that human beings since they are born, they feel the need and desire to communicate with each other. This basic, but complex activity, makes companies arise when interpersonal communication flow properly, or simply fail, when there is no interpersonal communication between the people that work.
To achieve a good interpersonal communication and to capture all of the candidates attention in training precess of Digitizing the Seventeenmile Company S.A., it becomes necessary to adopt various strategies such as, look directly into the other party and carefully observe their movements, simultaneously played this implies that persons must be within close distance, with one to the other.
In addition the messages, both the trainer and the candidate must be clear, concise direct, much in its content and in form of expressing them. This be achieved that the communication flow continuously and gradually go born confidence, fundamental feeling which must be present among people form part of a workgroup.
All in all, good interpersonal communication and positive attitude the moment of establishing the interrelation, in the process of Digitizing the Seventeenmile Company S.A., make people achieve more natural and honest at the time of communicate, and very likely that the trainers get more effective results when selected and supervising new staff.