Desarrollo social de las personas con discapacidad en Ecuador
Siavichay Sinchi, Yessenia Teresa
People with disabilities of Ecuador have been an active part of their social development, to achieve this result have developed various struggles, and thus be considered subjects of rights and not subject to duties, during the global local history and there have been several visions from different perspectives for people with disabilities, issued by the constant social change with the aim of a comprehensive and inclusive social development.
Knowing this reality, this monograph we review the history of people with disabilities and how are you were recognized during the passage of time, for this work it has become necessary to describe concepts currently handled disability and primarily to the classification in Ecuador.
For purposes of this study, it was especially necessary to outline the appropriate terms to refer to people with disabilities and the right way to assist them in addition to recapitulate the path taken by people with disabilities in their federations represented in Ecuador.
Finally a brief analysis of the legal regulations at international and national level gradually analyzing the rights acquired by people with disabilities, also addressed the development of positive language that must be used to refer to people with disabilities will be displayed.