Tratamiento de urolitiasis mediante litotricia en el Hospital José Carrasco Arteaga, julio 2014 a junio 2015, Cuenca - Ecuador
Palacios Tenorio, Paola Alexandra
Flores Ullauri, Janine Monserrat
Objective: To determine the characteristics of urolithiasis treatment by lithotripsy in José Carrasco Arteaga Hospital, Cuenca - Ecuador, during the period of July 2014 to June 2015.
Materials and Methods: retrospective descriptive study that was performed with the information from the database of patients treated with a diagnosis of urolithiasis and treated with lithotripsy in José Carrasco Arteaga Hospital in Cuenca 2014-2015. Once data was collected it was all entered in a database developed in Excel and then exported later to SPSS 21 system, for tabulation, processing and analysis.
Results: The average age of the patients was at 45 years old with a standard deviation of 13 years; 64.9% of the cases were male; 64.9% of the population came from the province of Azuay. The procedure that was carried out the most was extracorporeal lithotripsy by shock wave (ESWL) with 38.5% of the cases (80 patients); followed by intracorporeal lithotripsy (LIC) plus ureteroscopy with 36.5% (76 patients), 24% (50 cases) presented on the population under ESWL plus LIC, finally 1% (2 cases) underwent LIC plus cystoscopy. The average size of litos was 12.42 mm with a standard deviation of 14.8 mm. The frequency of complications encountered was: pain 46.6%; hematuria 14.4%; incomplete fragmentation 37%; fever 3.4% and sepsis 0.5%.
Conclusions: ESWL was the most commonly used procedure to treat urolithiasis with 38.5% of the cases; the combination with LIC was presented in 24%.