Prehipertensión y factores asociados en estudiantes de la Universidad de Cuenca.2016
Sacoto Molina, Adrián Marcelo
Background: Hypertensive disorders are one of the main cardiovascular risk factors; diagnosis and timely treatment avoid complications, knowing their characteristics in young populations would allow establishing effective preventive programs.
Objective: to determine the prevalence of prehypertension in students of the University of Cuenca and associated factors.
Method: cross-sectional observational study, in which 633 students (18 to 28 years old) participated in the University of Cuenca, in July 2016. Anthropometric measurements were performed with calibrated instruments and trained personnel, validated questionnaires were applied.
Results: the prevalence of prehypertension is 30.81% (6.1% with hypertension values). Positive correlation was established between systolic and diastolic pressures with abdominal perimeter, BMI (body mass index) and age ( Rho Spearman p <0.05). There is a statistically significant difference between the mean age, BMI and abdominal perimeter (U Mann-Whitney p <0.05) ranges between prehypertension and norm tension. Multivariate analysis established an association between prehypertension with male gender OR 6.023 95% CI (3.9-9.1) p 0.000; Abdominal perimeter risk OR 2.527 95% CI (1.5-4.1) p 0.000; Consumption of alcohol risk OR 2.207 95% CI (1.3-3.7) p 0.003.
Conclusion: there is a prevalence of prehypertension similar to that reported in other studies for our medium, systolic and diastolic pressures are positively correlated with age, BMI and abdominal perimeter, is associated with male gender, abdominal perimeter and consumption of alcohol risk