El tatuaje como medio de representación de la iconografía popular del Ecuador
Siguencia Luna, Pablo Javier
This project proposed the usage of popular iconography of Ecuador as a source of inspiration for the design of artistic tattoo work. To do so, a research on a popular icon of Ecuadorian culture, namely the Diabluma, was pursued. This character belongs to the Danzante traditions of the popular religious celebrations in this country, and particularly, to the Sun Festivities or Inti Raymi, held in the community of San Pedro de Cayambe. In order to create an artistic design based upon this character, the general context of the celebration was analyzed together with several cultural and symbolic aspects, as well as the associated musical traditions. In this way, both visual and linguistic aspects were included so that an artistic outcome was achieved by synthesizing the different aspects regarding the telluric and festive symbolism of the Diabluma, along with lettering that reflects the oral traditions of this celebration