Evaluación de la ingesta de calcio en mujeres de 19 a 30 años que acuden a los hospitales" Vicente Corral Moscoso" y "José Carrasco Arteaga", Cuenca 2009
Criollo Rodríguez, María Isabel
Orellana Cabrera, María Gabriela
Sarmiento, Karla
Calcium is a mineral most abundant in the human body and need an importants porcions. Serves multiple physiological funtions, the most important is the building are abone.
Purpose: to assess calcium intake in womwn ages 15 to 30 years attending to “Vicente Corral Moscoso” and “José Carrasco” hospitals, Cuenca 2009.
Methods: this work deeloped a descriptive estudy determine the calcium intake in women aged 19-30who attend the Vicente Corral Moscoso” and “José Carrasco” hospitals from Cuenca city basen use the nutricional satus usisg IMC and for socioeconomic status the un met basics need form valiated by the INEC
Results: at the present study was obtained that 97.20% at the simple show a low calcium intake with average consumption of 410.66mg per day.
We appreciate that this corresponds to the nutritional stats, tis74.50% has a normal IMC and 41.50% have a socioeconomic low down status.
Conclusions: the study shows there are intake lower tan normal in both different sosioeconomics and nutritional status.