Diagnóstico y plan de acción para la implementación del marco de negocio para el gobierno y gestión de tecnologías de la información (COBIT5.0) aplicado a la Universidad Técnica de Machala
Rivas Asanza, Wilmer Braulio
The technology must be a true strategic ally of the companies, beyond a simple support, providing the value and efficiency that both the business and the users demand. Thus, in this scenario, the concept of IT Governance is introduced as responsible for integrating and institutionalizing good IT Management practices to ensure that IT in the company supports the business objectives and makes the most of its information. Maximize profits, capitalize opportunities and gain competitive advantages. In this sense, the proposal of this work is to incorporate the COBIT5.0 framework of Government and Management as a tool to perform the situational diagnosis of the Technical University of Machala regarding the processes proposed by COBIT5.0; the diagnosis will be made using the capabilities model and the information of the catalytic processes through a compliance audit, obtaining the capacity level of the Institution's processes. Then establish with senior management which processes are priority through the cascade model of COBIT5.0. , of the processes that are more priority to establish a road map or action plan of the activities that must be developed for the implementation of the same and finally it is proposed to develop deliverables such as templates, procedures, controls, manual that allows to reach the level of desired capacity in those processes.