La desviación de poder como vicio del acto administrativo
Guerra Estévez, Priscila Adriana
This monographic carries out a study about the deviation of power as vice of the administrative act. It will address the different currents and theories underpinning it; its current from in the light of the legal principles and public purposes within the framework of the constitutional state of rights and justice; its livelihood as a tool of control of the public administration; the challenges that arise aroud the judicial control of the deviation of power; and, the variation in its nature and effects with the regulations its aims to issue, wich considers it as a vice that generates nullity of plain right for affecting the element purposefully considered essential for the validity of the administrative act, in contrast of the existing laws that considered it as cause of the violability. In addition, practical cases of the deviation of power in the exercise of administrative functions will be exposed and commented on.