Conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas del empleo de agentes de desinfección de superficies en estudiantes de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad de Cuenca en el año 2016
Gómez Aguilar, Mishell Estephanía
Ramírez Goercke, Andrea Paola
Dentistry Faculty clinics constitute a working environment where there is a high risk of cross contamination. Disinfecting work surfaces in the dental clinic, where it frequently occurs contact with the patient´s saliva and / or blood, represents an important step in the context of disease control and prevention; these fluids can therefore be present in different work surfaces in the patient care area. However, in many cases the guidelines of surface disinfection are unknown, not practiced or poorly applied. Through a survey of fourth and fifth year undergraduates and postgraduate students from the Faculty of Dentistry of Cuenca´s University in the year 2016, it was determined that in general the studied population had a regular level of knowledge and attitude, and a poor level of practice on the use of surface disinfecting agents. None of the students knows the mechanism of action of the disinfecting agent that they claim they use and 3% of the population does not disinfect their dental chair, while 99% does not know the composition of the disinfectant agent used, and only 9% have an appropriate level of practice regarding the use of surface disinfection agents