Filas de resistencia, instalación artística. Intervención en el espacio público, notas al pie sobre la idea del desarrollo y el progreso
Vallejo Iñiguez, Elizabeth
Art acts as a mode of criticism towards the present capitalist system of the West, which through factors such as globalization, consumerism, utopia of progress, new technologies, among others. They have led individuals to remain in order or linearity created by concepts or social judgments. “Rows of resistance” pretends to visualize an absurd idea of the progress, by which the human beings live as continuity or repetition carried by the daily mechanical life. It is thus that this project created by organic and inorganic materials is presented in the public space as the place where the majority of individuals of a city live and transit, pretending to move away from places of legitimation like museums or galleries, relating art with society and its bystanders.